Why do Catholic parishes love ParishPal?

Turn-key solution

Our websites are available instantly and come pre-loaded with rich, engaging Catholic content. Simply fill in the blanks and you can be "ready to launch" in less than 15 minutes.

Zero set up cost

Create your Catholic parish website for free, no credit card required, then try it for 30 days. If you like it, you'll only pay for web hosting at our affordable rate of $35/month.

Super simple to edit

Our websites are specifically built for non-technical, staff and volunteers. You don't need to know code. If you can type and click a mouse, you've got all the skills you need!

Easy to use

Easily edit your website

Built for non-technical people, ParishPal is designed to make it fast and easy to keep your Catholic parish website up to date. Most website updates can be completed in under 30 seconds and technical knowledge is never required.

Zero learning curve

If you can click a mouse, you have all the computer skills you need!

Automatic updates

Parish bulletins, events and Mass times are automatically kept up to date for you!

Engage parishioners the modern way

Communication has evolved. With ParishPal, your parishioners can subscribe by text message or email to stay informed with what's happening at your church. We're the first and only Catholic church website provider to offer this service.

Won't tax your time

You don't need to lift a finger! Text messages and emails are sent automatically.

Privacy respected

Parishioners only receive messages they've asked for and they can cancel easily at any time.

Communicate by email and text message.

Excellent customer support.

Outstanding customer support

ParishPal is built to be completely intuitive and easy to use, and for those rare moments when you need someone to lend a hand and walk you through a challenge, we're there for you!


See everything simply explained, step-by-step (with pictures), in a non-technical way.

Help Desk

Prefer to speak to someone? Our friendly staff are available via "live chat", email, and toll-free phone.