Add An Event
> Help Desk > Tutorials > Events Calendar > Adding An Event
Adding An Event
This article will show you how to add an event to your website's "Events Calendar". Let's get started...
Step 1: Navigate To The "Events Calendar" Section
You can either use the tabs at the top, or just click the "Events Calendar" icon on the Dashboard. If you don't see this icon, you need to ask your main website administrator to grant you access to edit the events calendar.
Step 2: Bring Up The "Add Event" Form
You have two options to add an event:
- Click the green "Add Event" button in the top-right corner, or
- Click on a date in the calendar, then click the green "Add Event" button on the popup that appears.
Step 3: Add The Event
We'll start by giving your event a title. For example: "Parish Council Meeting".
Next, we'll select which events calendar (or both) to display this event: "Parish Events" or "Around The Diocese". For most events, you'll only select "Parish Events"; however, if you are adding an event that parishioners from other parishes are likely to want to attend (like a bake sale, or Christmas concert), you'll want to select both calendars, and if the event is hosted by another church, you'll select only "Around The Diocese".
You'll now add the event location & address. By default, we've entered your main church location's information here.
Next, give your event a description. This is an optional field.
Select the date for the event, as well as the start time and end time.
Finally, if this is a regularly occurring event, we'll tell ParishPal how often we want the event to repeat.
Now that the form is complete, we'll double check our information and then hit the "Add Event(s)" button.