Add a Parish Bulletin
> Help Desk > Tutorials > Parish Bulletins > Adding A Parish Bulletin
Adding A Parish Bulletin
This tutorial will walk you through the process of adding a Parish Bulletin to the website.
Step 1: Navigate To The "Parish Bulletin" Section
You can either use the tabs at the top, or just click the "Parish Bulletin" icon on the Dashboard. If you don't see this icon, you need to ask your main website administrator to grant you access to edit parish bulletins.
Step 2: Add The Bulletin
Start by clicking the green "Add Bulletin" button near the top-right corner of the page. This will bring up the "Add Bulletin" page.
Give your bulletin a title, for example: "Third Sunday of Advent", or "August Bulletin". ParishPal automatically displays the date the bulletin is published alongside your title, so it's recommended that you don't use an actual calendar date as your title.
Upload your bulletin to the website in PDF format by clicking the upload button and selecting the file on your own computer, just like you would when adding an attachment to an email. Most publishing software will have an option to save your file as a PDF. If you are having trouble, do a Google search for "save as PDF" and then add the name of the software you're using to the end of the search (like "save as PDF Microsoft Word").
To change the "Publish Date" (which is set to "today" by default), click on the "Publish Date" field, then select a new date using the calendar. If you select a date that's in the future, the bulletin will stay hidden until that date arrives (so if you're updating your website on Wednesday, but don't want the bulletin to "go live" until Friday, just select Friday as the "Publish Date" and the bulletin will stay hidden until then).
Click the "Add Bulletin" button, and you're all finished.