Edit a Blog Post

> Help Desk > Tutorials > Blog Posts > Editing A Blog Post

Editing a Blog Post

Step 1: Navigate To The Blog Section

Website Blog

You can either use the tabs at the top, or just click the Blog icon on the Dashboard. If you don't see this icon, you need to ask your main website administrator to grant you access to edit blog posts.

Step 2: Edit The Post


Here you'll see a list of posts on the website. Find the post you'd like to update, then click the edit icon next to that post (it looks like a pencil).

Step 3: Edit The New Blog Post Content

Edit Text

Click the editable text, as indicated by the dashed red border. This will bring up the text editor where you can edit the text, just as you would edit a Word document or email.


If you need to edit the finer details of the post, like the post's title, publish date, or search engine optimization (SEO) settings, click on the gray settings button in the toolbar at the top of the page.

Step 4: Save & Publish

Save Button

Click the "Save" button in the top left corner.

Save & Publish

Then simply confirm that you want to save these changes and you're done.