Edit User Account

> Help Desk > Tutorials > User Accounts > Editing A User Account

Editing A User Account

Step 1: Navigate to the "User Accounts" Page

Accounts User Accounts

After you have signed into ParishPal, click on the "Accounts" link in the top-right corner of the page.  Next, click the "User Accounts" icon.  This will take you to a page that lists each user account for your website.

Step 2: Edit the User Account

View Account

Next, click on the "View" icon (looks like a magnifying glass) to the right of the account you wish to edit.  This will take you to a page that displays the user's contact information and administrative permissions for the website.

Edit Button

Above this information, on the right-hand side, are three buttons labeled "Back", "Edit" and "Delete".  Click the green "Edit" button.

Step 3: Edit The Account Information

You will now be able to edit the account information for the user you selected. The form mostly consists of "yes or no" questions. If you need some instruction on how to use this form, we cover this in more detail in our Adding A User Account tutorial.

Step 4: Save Your Changes


Once you have finished editing the user account, scroll back up to the top of the page and click the green "Save" button.