Editing an Email Forwarder

> Help Desk > Tutorials > Email > Editing An Email Forwarder

Editing an Email Forwarder

Step 1: Navigate To The Email Forwarding Section

Accounts Email Forwarding

Click the Accounts link in the top-right corner of the page, then click the Email Forwarding icon.

Step 2: Click the edit icon for the forwarder you wish to change


In the list of email forwarders, scroll down until you see the forwarder you'd like to change, then click the Edit icon next to that email forwarder (the whole row will be highlighted when you hover with your mouse to ensure you select the right one).

Step 3: Update the forwarder

Edit Forwarder

You can now change Forward Email To so that it points to the new email address. Forward Email From will be locked, since changing this would essentially be the same as creating a new forwarder. When you're all done, click the Edit Forwarder button to save your changes. Emails sent to the forwarder will now be re-routed to this new email address.