How To Approve New Parishioner Accounts

> Help Desk > Tutorials > Parishioners Area > Approving A Parishioner Account

Approving A New Parishioner

Step 1: Navigate to the Parishioners Page

Community Parishioners

After you have signed into ParishPal, click on the "Community" link in the top-right corner of the page.  Next, click the "Parishioners" icon.

Step 2: View Parishioners Awaiting Approval

Pending Approval

The number of parishioners awaiting approval will be indicated next to the "Parishioner Directory" heading. This is a button, which you can click on to view those parishioners awaiting approval. Click it!

Note: If you do not see a "Pending Approval" button, then you do not have any parishioners currently awaiting approval.

Step 3: Approve or Reject Parishioners

Awaiting Approval Confirm Approval

The parishioners awaiting approval are listed, along with two icons - one to approve the request, the other to delete the parishioner. Click the "approve" icon (it looks like a green checkmark) to review the parishioner's full details, then click the "Approve" button to confirm the parishioner's approval.

Of course, if you wish to do the opposite - to reject the parishioner's request - simply click the red "delete" icon (looks like a red "X") next to the parishioner's information and follow the prompts to remove the request from the website.

You're all done!