Filling in the Blanks
> Help Desk > Tutorials > Getting Started > Fill in the blanks
Filling in the Blanks
ParishPal creates all of your initial website content for you, but there are a few spots where you'll need to go in and change some information.
Step 1: Navigate To The Web Pages Section
You can either use the tabs at the top, or just click the "Web Pages" icon on the Dashboard. If you don't see this icon, you need to ask your main website administrator to grant you access to edit web pages.
Step 2: Edit The Administration Page
Under the "Our Parish" section, you'll see a web page called "Administration". Click the "Edit" icon for that page.
Change the "Pastor" and "Parish Coordinator" information to fit your Church. When you're all done, hit the green "Save" button in the top left corner of your screen to save the changes.
Step 4: Edit The "Parish Council" Page
You'll now be back in the "Web Pages" section. Find the "Parish Council" page in the "Our Parish" section. Click the "Edit" icon and add a list of your Parish Pastoral Council members to this page. Contact information for each member is optional (though we recommend it). Save the changes.
Step 5: Edit The "Links" Page
Find the "Links" page in the "Our Parish" section, then click the "Edit" icon. You'll notice that ParishPal includes both a "National & Global" section for both USA and Canada. Remove the one that doesn't apply to you, then add any local links that you'd like to link to. Save the changes.
Step 6: Edit The "Contact Us" Page
Back in the "Web Pages" section, find the "Contact" page and click the "Edit" icon. Add your office hours, as well as any extra information you'd like to include here.
Step 7: Edit The "Parish Directory" Page
Back in the "Web Pages" section, find the "Parish Directory" page (in the "Contact" section) and click the "Edit" icon. We've included the more commonly requested people to the page already, so this should just be a matter of "filling in the blanks" with the correct information. If you have more people to add, please do add them in. When you're all done, save your changes.
You now have all of your website's content ready to go. From here, you can either customize your main website photo, or you can jump ahead and start adding your Mass times to ParishPal (you can always come back and edit your main photo later).